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Soil Formation托福听力原文翻译及问题答案

2022-06-30 14:55:47        来源:中国教育在线

Soil Formation托福听力原文翻译及问题答案

一、Soil Formation托福听力原文:

NARRATOR:Listen to part of a lecture in the geology class.MALE PROFESSOR:So,we all know soil.It's important to plant growth,right?And we know that there're different types of soil in different places and that some soils are more fertile than others.But what is soil?And how's it formed?Well,we're going to go into this in some depth,but for now let's just lay down the basics.

Soil is composed of two kinds of material:inorganic material,basically small pieces of rock,and organic material,which is animal and plant matter.

OK.So,what do you think?If I mix bits of rock with composted vegetables,will I get soil?The answer is no,because the formation of soil is a dynamic process.It involves not only the initial inputs,the raw materials,but also the transformation of those materials,and the movement of some of the materials and the loss of others.So,the inputs are bits of rock and organic matter.

Now,the bits of rock—the inorganic input to soil?uh...they come from the breakdown of rocks on Earth's surface through a process called weathering.Weathering can be either physical or chemical.Physical weathering,uh...that's when exposure to the elements over time causes a rock to break up and eventually disintegrate.Uh...of course,some rocks are more resistant to physical weathering than others.If you think of the sand particles in soil,those are the result of physical weathering,and they have the same chemical composition as the original rock.

Now,chemical weathering,uh...that's the chemical breakup of rocks.It differs from physical weathering in that the chemical properties of the minerals are actually changed.The clay minerals you find in soil are the result of chemical weathering.Clay minerals are called secondary minerals,because their composition has been altered.Okay.So we have weathered rock,which needs to be combined with organic matter.

So what does the organic input consist of?

It's the remains of plants and animals,but mostly plants.Now,just as rocks are broken down by weathering,the animal and plant residues are broken down,too.They're reduced to simple chemicals by microorganisms in a process called mineralization.And just as some rocks are more resistant than others to weathering,the compounds found in the soil's organic input resist mineralization at different rates.The compound cellulose is the major constituent of most plant tissue.It mineralizes relatively quickly.But there are woody substances in certain plants that strengthen the cell walls.They are found in smaller concentrations and their mineralization can take several years.Weathering and mineralization transform the inorganic and organic inputs in a number of ways.And it's partly from these transformations that soil gets its unique properties.

How does it work?

Uh...take the dark brown color of soil.After microorganisms have broken down the cellulose,we're left with two things:the microbe's waste and the more resistant plant material that microorganisms can't break down easily.These materials ultimately get transformed into a new material called humus.And when humus is combined with the clay minerals in soil,that's what gives soil its dark brown color.So now,if we've got clay and humus,these transformed materials,and we mix them together,we've got something very close to soil.

But soil isn't static,and there're still other processes that go into the formation of soil:the movement and loss of materials.The soil in any location isn't a uniform mixture.Its composition varies with depth.You see,mineral and organic materials move through soil vertically.Some materials move more easily than others.Water carries the more mobile materials from the upper level of soil to the lower levels.So the upper levels of the soil eventually get depleted of these materials,while the lower levels get enriched with them.And that creates distinct layers of soil as far down as the rock underlying the soil.And the materials that dissolve easily in water can get lost completely if the water carries them horizontally out of the soil and into rivers.

Now,of course,new mineral and organic material will be deposited at the surface and become incorporated into the soil,but you see how the processes of movement and loss contribute to the formation of soil.

二、Soil Formation托福听力中文翻译:












三、Soil Formation托福听力问题:

Q1:1.What is the lecture mainly about?

A.The differences between mineralization and weathering.

B.Processes that remove minerals from soil.

C.Factors affecting the fertility of soil.

D.Several processes involved in the creation of soil.

Q2:2.What differences does the professor point out between sand particles and clay minerals?[Click on 2 answers.]

A.They combine with organic matter in different ways.

B.They are formed by different types of weathering.

C.The rocks they come from have different levels of resistance to weathering.

D.Only sand particles have the same composition as the rock they come from.

Q3:3.What does the professor point out about the compounds found in organic matter?

A.They mineralize at different rates.

B.They may resist combining with minerals in the soil.

C.They occur in roughly equal amounts in plant tissue.

D.They contain chemicals that are also found in inorganic materials.

Q4:4.Why does the professor mention the dark brown color of soil?

A.To explain that soil gets its color mainly from inorganic inputs.

B.To indicate that humus is more easily transformed than the other components of soil.

C.To show how the transformation and combination of inputs create the characteristics of soil.

D.To discuss how the characteristics of humus are changed by weathering.

Q5:5.According to the professor,how does water affect the composition of soil?[Click on 2 answers.]

A.It prevents new soil material from being incorporated.

B.It separates the components of soil into layers.

C.It causes chemical changes in the soil's organic material.

D.It can cause the loss of some of the soil material.

Q6:6.Why does the professor say this:(PROFESSOR)OK,so what do you think?If I mix bits of rock with composted vegetables,will I get soil?

A.To draw attention to the complexity of soil formation.

B.To stress the importance of organic matter in soil formation.

C.To imply that soil contains other,more important components.

D.To indicate one way soil can be formed.

四、Soil Formation托福听力答案:









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