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The Effect of Mail-Order Catalog托福听力原文翻译及问题答案

2023-04-13 16:16:31        来源:中国教育在线

新托福听力难度大,题型多,而且听力和写作、口语等部分也相关联,可以说,是牵一发而动全身的地位。所以要想取得高分,需要以残酷的、毫无疑问的、不存在任何侥幸的听力实力为基础。那么关于“The Effect of Mail-Order Catalog托福听力原文翻译及问题答案”的内容,下面由小编来给大家分享。

The Effect of Mail-Order Catalog托福听力原文翻译及问题答案

一、The Effect of Mail-Order Catalog托福听力原文:

In the early years of the twentieth century,60 percent of the American population was rural,and half of the nation’s towns and cities had fewer than ten thousand people.Up until that time,life on the farm was lonely,and farm families felt that they weren’t keeping up with the urban population,which had electric lights,telephones,and access to the latest goods in department stores.Farm families were isolated,often with limited funds,and few could afford the time or the expense of shopping in the city.But all of this changed with the introduction of the mail-order catalog.

In 1872,a Chicago merchant named Montgomery Ward began sending copies of a catalog to thousands of farmers in the Midwest.The catalog was 280 pages long and offered farm families the opportunity to order any of the goods listed in it by mail.This is how Montgomery Ward and Company became the nation’s first mail-order company.Ward had discovered something entirely new and profitable,a new method of conducting business.After that,the terms“mail-order house”and“mail-order catalog”were added to our vocabulary.

The most successful mail-order house was Sears and Roebuck,which entered the mail-order business in 1895.Just as Montgomery Ward had done with his catalog,Richard Sears advertised his products in catalogs that were sent to farm families.The Sears catalog sold food,clothing,machinery,tools,stoves—anything and everything a farm family might need.

The mail-order business spread rapidly,largely because of improvements in postal services.The post office established Rural Free Delivery in 1902 and Parcel Post in 1913.These new services meant that catalogs and goods would be delivered directly to the farm,so farmers didn’t have to drive several miles into town to pick up packages.These new services greatly contributed to the success of mail-order houses.

Rural Free Delivery also had great benefit for farm families.Families that had previously been isolated could now receive newspapers,magazines,and mail-order catalogs in their mailboxes.This contact with the outside world broke their isolation and changed the outlook of rural America.Thanks to the mail-order houses of Montgomery Ward and Sears and Roebuck,no farm was too isolated to be aware of the latest clothing,furniture,farm equipment,music,and literature.

The wide distribution of the Sears catalog had another interesting effect.The Sears catalog had a lot to do with the similarity of goods available nationwide.Of course,this was also due to the mass-production of goods.Mass-production techniques made it possible to create reasonable copies of,for example,high-priced clothing.The two factors working together—mass production and nationwide distribution—tended to minimize regional differences in clothing styles.This is why there was a general lack of class and regional distinction in American clothing.People believed that if clothing of the same design and brand was widely worn by many people,then this was a sign of its value.

By 1910,both men and women could buy every article of clothing,ready-made,from mail-order catalogs like Sears.Sears didn’t pretend to be a leader in fashion,but it did try to provide what average Americans wanted.Women wanted to dress more fashionably and they welcomed new styles.For farm women,the pictures of the smiling women on the pages of the Sears catalog were as close as they came to outside contacts during the long winter months.And for immigrants who wanted to become Americans,the Sears catalog was a textbook.Here they learned how to dress,how to furnish their homes,and—some catalogs even had recipes and menus for holiday dinners—how to cook American food.

二、The Effect of Mail-Order Catalog托福听力中文翻译:





农村免费送货对农场家庭也有很大的好处。以前被隔离的家庭现在可以在邮箱里收到报纸、杂志和邮购目录。这种与外界的接触打破了他们的隔离,改变了美国农村的面貌。多亏了Montgomery Ward、Sears和Roebuck的邮购公司,没有一个农场过于孤立而不了解最新的服装、家具、农场设备、音乐和文学。



三、The Effect of Mail-Order Catalog托福听力问题:

Q1:1.What is the talk mainly about?

A.American farm life in the early twentieth century

B.The history of a successful business innovation

C.Differences between the rural and urban way of life

D.The effects of mail-order catalogs on rural America

Q2:2.How did the mail-order business begin?

A.A businessman sent a catalog to a large number of farmers.

B.The railroads started delivering goods to isolated rural areas.

C.The post office added new services to promote ordering by mail.

D.A group of farmers organized a method of cooperative buying.

Q3:3.Why does the professor mention Rural Free Delivery and Parcel Post?

A.To give examples of early mail-order houses

B.To compare the benefits of two different types of services

C.To explain how these services helped the mail-order business

D.To describe the origins of the concept of customer service

Q4:4.According to the professor,what two factors led to the similarity of goods available nationwide?

Click on two answers.

A.The mass production of goods

B.The wide distribution of catalogs

C.The growing interest in regional styles

D.The desire to copy designer fashions

Q5:5.What does the professor mean when she says this:

A.Immigrants were required to buy a textbook to learn English.

B.Most of the people who used mail-order catalogs were immigrants.

C.The Sears catalog taught immigrants about American culture.

D.People immigrated to America for its economic opportunities.

Q6:6.Based on the information in the talk,would the professor most likely agree or disagree with each statement below?

For each sentence,click in the correct box.

Nineteenth-century farm families had the same cultural opportunities as city residents.

Mail-order companies changed the lives of farm families across the country.

Clothing ordered from mail-order catalogs was more fashionable than clothing bought in department stores.

The Sears catalog provided an important illustration of American life.

四、The Effect of Mail-Order Catalog托福听力答案:









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