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2022-06-10 11:20:57        来源:中国教育在线







Should people be satisfied

In contemporary society,there are new things coming up almost every day.Some people have to face such a fact that you can never buy a real new product,because the new one always appears after you have bought one.As a result,some of them are never satisfied with what have and they want to get something newer or something different.To some extent,it is a good way to keep up with the ceaselessly changing world.However,in my opinion,it is not always good not to satisfy what you already have.

For one thing,with the development of science and technology as well as the globalization,more and more brand new things are produced every day,along with a variety of new findings,new lifestyles,and new types of services.If we ignore all the new things and always stay what we are,the only result may be that we will be obsolete in the society.In some degree,if we all stick with old things,there will be no new inventions and advancement of the world.The continuous needs in people's spirits can really push our society forward.Human beings live in a modern society after all,and we should have the desire to be in pursuit of a new life.

However,on the other hand,if we sought after material satisfactions without considering our financial reality,we could find ourselves in trouble.As we know,new products are manufactured and updated almost every day,so there is little possibility that you can always obtain the newest products.Moreover,every time a new comes into markets,the price is always much higher than older products.If you do not have a strong financial background to support your desire,how could you be able to afford them?For example,some people borrow money from their credit card for new and fancy products without considering their affordability.In the end they get into financial crisis.

The purpose that we look for new and different things is to live better and happier.If your desires only get you into worries and troubles,it will be a better choice to learn to give up and be satisfied.In a word,living in a modern society,we must in pursuit of our life with a flexible attitude.





Are first impressions trustworthy?

In our social life,we may meet different people in different occasions.Some of them we may meet once;others may be staying with us for a long time,such as our classmates,or our colleagues.Some people trust their first impressions because they believe these judgments are generally correct.While other people do not judge a person quickly because they think first impressions are often wrong.Before I give my opinion,I want analyze the two opinions first.

For those who trust first impressions,they may argue as follows.For one thing,before two people first meet,they have no ideas about what the other person is like,and then they may have no inclination to cater to each other by behaving differently.At those circumstances,it is a little bit easy to get to know the person's real character because they may behave naturally.In addition,some mysterious factors such as instinct may involve in the first impression which usually is proved to be the right one with no reasonable account,as is especially occurred in many married couple's first meeting.

The other group of people who do not believe in first impression also have their reasons.First,people's characters are different and complex.It is very hard to get to know them at the first meeting.If you want to know a person,you have to spend lot of time to talk to them,and observe their behaviors at different occasions,and all these cannot be accomplished just in a few hours.Second,many people do not behave naturally when they meet strangers,so the first meeting will not be a good chance to know a person.

We can see that both the two sides have their reasons.But I prefer not to judge people in our first meetings.Because to me,I'm not very good at judging people and my first impressions are usually unreliable.




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