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雅思口语话题及范文:How often do you watch television? Why / Why not?

2022-06-09 14:31:53        来源:中国教育在线

雅思口语话题及范文:How often do you watch television?  Why / Why not?

雅思口语话题及范文:How often do you watch television?  Why / Why not?


Well, to be honest, it's rarely the case that I would sit in front of the television for multiple hours and turn myself into a couch potato. I tend to get bored very easily with TV unless something interests me; otherwise I just tune out and engage myself in my own business. And if I presume that there's something I need to know; instead of watching TV, it's more likely that I would turn to the web or simply crack a book.



Well, quite often. Look, people call me couch potato, because I sit in couch, watch TV and eat potato chips. Watching TV is a big part in my life. It gives me a lot of fun and makes me enjoy my life.



No, I seldom watch TV, because I believe watching TV is no different from slow suicide. It’s just a waste of my precious time. I must live very single minute to the fullest.




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