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雅思口语话题及范文:Describe a friend of your family you remember from your childhood.

2022-06-09 14:35:51        来源:中国教育在线

雅思口语话题及范文:Describe a friend of your family you remember from your childhood.

雅思口语话题及范文:Describe a friend of your family you remember from your childhood.


Describe a friend of your family you remember from your childhood.

You should say:

who the person was

how your family knew this person

how often this person visited your family and explain why you remember this person.







I would like to tell you something about one of my best childhood friends, Jacky. Jacky was my next-door neighbor and my classmate since we were in primary school, and a real whiz kid in my eye who both excelled in sports and academy performance. In my memory, he was a sun-tanned, athletic, tall and macho guy, and fair enough. He proved himself to be a pain in the neckin games like basketball. Sharing the common interest, we used to play basketball together, and he would drop by my place every now and then to play it in my backyard, and that was how my family got acquainted with him.

Off the court, Jacky was a chatterbox. We talked about different things in school and life and shared our experiences with each other. Sometimes we played video games too. Despite the fact that he was a talent in actual sports, he was no match for me in e-sports. We played a variety of video games like EA sports, Star Wars, etc.

Besides, movie was also a part of our topics. We were both big fans of Hollywood blockbusters and both of us were keen on science fiction films. Whenever there was a newly released movie, we would comment on the plots and characters, special effects and the sound tracks.

In times of frustration and setback, I tended to pour my troubles to him when he usually would be a patient listener at first, and then ended up the conversation with some encouraging words or mindblowing punch lines that either inspired me or alleviated my pain.

Flashing back, those were memorable days that would never fade from my memories, and that was how he turned out to be one of my best friends. Now he studies in another country and maybe his life is changing fast over there, but I still believe something will always stay the same;our friendship.








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