您现在的位置:外语频道 > 雅思 > 雅思口语 > 2022年9月雅思口语题part2&3:描述你曾做过的一个艰难的决定


2022-12-20 16:18:42        来源:中国教育在线


Describe a difficult decision you once made.

You should say:

What the decision was

When you made this decision

How long it took to make the decision

And explain why it was difficult to make the decision

Part 3

1 What decisions do people make every day?

2 Which one is easier,making a decision by yourself or making a decision after a group discussion?

3 Why are many young people unwilling to follow their parents’advice?

4 Why would middle-aged people tend to give their decisions a second thought?


I'd say the most difficult decision I made was when I decided which university overseas I wanted to study at.I actually got really good grades,so I was lucky enough to have a choice.I was also fortunate that my parents could afford to send me overseas to study,so I do feel that my decision was perhaps a luxury in many ways.But still,it was a difficult decision.I did not know whether I should go to Australia or go to the UK,to Scotland to study.I looked in detail at the two universities in question,and they both offered pretty much the same course that I wanted to study,and they both seemed like fairly good universities.I just couldn't decide which place would be better for me,or more interesting for me.I spent quite a bit of time weighing up the pros and cons of both places,and I couldn't reach a conclusion at all.Some people advised me to read about the social life,the academic life,the environment,and others advised me to go with my gut feeling and choose the place that resonated more with my personality and how I felt.However,I'm quite an indecisive person,and I question myself a lot,so that meant that every day I changed my mind.Each place seemed equally as good,equally as exciting and equally as interesting and geared towards my future career ambitions.There didn't seem to be any one factor that made me choose one place over the other.In the end,I am not sure why,I just decided to go to Edinburgh,because I was sitting at home watching a nature programme with my grandfather and they mentioned the place.I then decided there and then–okay,I'll choose there.And I did.And that was that.I guess sometimes it's best to go with your gut feeling when you've a hard decision to make,or wait for some sign from the universe!



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