您现在的位置:外语频道 > 雅思 > 雅思口语 > 2022年9月雅思口语题part2&3:描述某人给你讲的一个故事


2022-12-20 16:19:51        来源:中国教育在线


Describe a story someone told you and you remember.

You should say:

What the story was about

Who told you this story

Why you remember it

And explain how you feel about it

Part 3

1 Do young children like the same stories as older children?

2 How has technology changed the way of storytelling?

3 Why do children like stories?


A story I remember is one that my uncle told me when I was a child.It was a magical story about a secret door to another world that was located in the back of an old wardrobe in a huge,old manor house in England.I think it was called The Chronicles of Narnia…and was originally written by C.S.Lewis.My uncle did not have the book,but he remembered most of the story and so he would tell it to me at bedtime every time we stayed in his house.

The story starts with a group of children that move to live with their great uncle in a large country home.They are very much left to their own devices to entertain themselves in this huge,rambling mansion.They spend the days exploring all the different rooms,playing in the gardens and enjoying the novelty and freedom of being away from the confines of city life.It really is an exciting experience for all of them…One day they are playing hide and seek in the massive house,when one of the girls decides to hide in a big wooden wardrobe in the corner of one of the darkest,dustiest rooms.As she pushes her way through the coats hanging in the wardrobe she realizes that she seems to be going on and on and on,and there is no back to the wardrobe.Suddenly she ends up in a snowy woodland of pine trees…And it is there that the adventure begins.She meets a fawn,a kind of mythical half-man-half-goat,called Mister Tumnus,and she gets involved in an adventure with talking animals,and a snow queen who casts evil magic!

Anyway,my uncle told me this story many times as a child,and then I realized much later in life that they had even made a TV series from the original novel.It’s a great story and has always remained fondly in my memory.



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