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雅思口语Part2话题卡:Describe a character from a film 电影角色

2023-01-11 16:07:24        来源:中国教育在线

雅思口语Part2话题卡:Describe a character from a film电影角色


Describe a character from a film

You should say

What character it is

Who acted the character

When you saw the film

And explain whether you like this character


The character I am going to tell you about is John Wick in a film of the same name.He is a retired assassin,searching for the men who broke into his home,stole his vintage car,and killed his puppy,which was the last gift to him from his recently deceased wife.The plot was quite simple,even bordering on crude,but the fighting scenes were some of the coolest ever on the big screen.His movements were clean,efficient,and lethal.He was like the dead reaping the lives of his enemies,never smiled,never chatted.

我要告诉你的角色是同名电影里的John Wick。他是一名退休的杀手,寻找入侵他家、偷走他的赛车、并杀害他小狗的凶手(小狗是她最近去世的妻子送给他的最后的礼物)。其剧情十分简单,甚至算得上是粗糙。但打斗场面却是电影中最出色的。他的动作干净,高效,致命。他就像个死神一样收割着敌人的生命,从来不笑,从来不聊天。

Kanu Charles Reeves acted the character.Born and raised in Canada,he began acting in theatre productions and television series before making his feature film debut.After starring in several films,he rose to fame and became a superstar for playing Neo in the science fiction series The matrix.


I watched this movie on a Sunday afternoon several months ago.I had finished my assignments and desperately needed some entertainment to kill time.But my friends were all occupied with their own business,and I had been fed up with video games.Then it occurred to me that several days ago,one of my classmates recommended this movie,saying it was the best action movie he had watched in recent years.I thought why not give it a go?


I like this character because of his bluntness.The director did not set many mysteries and tease the audience.From the right beginning,he told you that John Wick was determined,dangerous,and invincible.Once he embarked on his revenge journey,you could start to mourn for his enemies.

我喜欢该角色是因为他的直截了当。导演没有设置许多悬疑,挑逗观众。从一开始,他就告诉你John Wick意志坚定,十分危险,并且不可战胜。当他踏上复仇之旅的时候,你就可以开始为他的敌人哀悼了。



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