您现在的位置:外语频道 > 雅思 > 雅思口语 > 2023年1月雅思口语新题part2&3:描述一个你不喜欢的广告


2023-01-13 16:05:46        来源:中国教育在线



Describe an advertisement you don’t like.

You should say:

What it is about

Where you saw it

What it was like

And explain who you don’t like this advertisement

Part 3

1 Do you think it is useful to use celebrities in commercials?

2 Do you think the adverts online are directed at young people,while those on TV and newspaper are directed at old people?


There are a lot of advertisements I dislike.In fact,I’m really not a fan of adverts.I see them everywhere–in the streets,on the sides of buses,in the subway,and even in elevators in my office building.But the one advert that has become popular recently which I really dislike is one for a restaurant chain in my city.It’s quite a big restaurant chain–a hotpot franchise,actually–and it’s just a really awful advert.I think what annoys me about it is that it shows families and friends being absolutely delighted sitting around eating hotpot–which is fine,but it’s so cheesy,you know…it’s really corny and unrealistic and the acting is terrible.I think that’s what really bothers me,the acting is truly awful so instead of it making me attracted to the restaurant it makes me actually not want to go there at all.I’m not sure if any of my colleagues feel the same as I do about it.Every single morning as I’m going to work in the elevator I see it on those screens they have in there,and every time I cringe at the sight of it.I try not to watch it,ignore it,turn my back,but I can’t help it!It really winds me up.I think it’s because I am a person who doesn’t like things which are insincere or inauthentic,and I feel that this advert is just so fake and unrealistic(again,like I say,mainly because of the acting)that I simply have a massive aversion to it every time it comes on.So,yeah,I don’t mind some adverts if I think they’re at least a little bit sincere,but I absolutely detest things that come across as fake for the sake of attempting to convince people to buy something or spend their money on something.



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