您现在的位置:外语频道 > 雅思 > 雅思口语 > 2023年1月雅思口语新题part2&3:描述一段你想了解的历史时期


2023-01-13 16:07:15        来源:中国教育在线



Describe a historical period you want to know more about.

You should say:

What it is

How you know about this period of history

What you are interested in

And explain why you want to know more about this period

Part 3

1 How do children learn history?

2 Do you think everyone should know about history of their own country?

3 Do you think it is hard to protect historical buildings?


A period in history that I am especially interested in is the time of the pyramids in Egypt.The ancient Egyptian period,maybe it’s called.I’ve always been fascinated by that time,and the mysteries that surround it.For example,we don’t really know how they built the pyramids and the tombs–there are various theories and speculations as to how they achieved this huge feat of engineering.Also,I love the art work,the hieroglyphics,the colours,everything about the designs and architecture of the period.It was quite a brutal period in history though,as are most periods in the past–and if you were rich and famous,or a king or something,you could live well,but if you were a slave or a very common man,I imagine life was quite hard,and you were permanently living with quite strict bosses and landlords.However,this was also a time when many artisans developed crafts and people started to learn to write and read.What is also interesting is that Egypt was the first country to record having cats as domestic animals.They felt that cats were sacred and holy and they also incorporated cats into their designs,statues and symbols.The famous Sphynx,in Giza,near the great pyramids,is a combination of a cat and other animals,and was believed to be a kind of God for the ancient Egyptians.So,yeah,there’s lots of different things about this period in history that I find very interesting.I think it’s the aesthetics of the era that interest me the most,and so I’d like to learn more about Egyptian design,architecture and art work.I think that learning more about art of the period,and the way they painted and carved images of the people,in that two dimensional way,marked a very interesting period in the development of art in history.So I’d like to learn more about that.

1 How do children learn about history?

Children usually learn about history in school,to be honest,or from programs on television.We mainly learn about the history of our own country,for the most part,but we sometimes have classes about world history too.Children should at least develop a basic understanding of the history of their nation,and its relationships with others throughout time,and also we can learn from the past,so history is quite important.

2 Do you think everyone should know about history of their own country?

Yes,I think to some extent that is important yes.It depends on the objectives really.I mean,if it is to promote a greater understanding of life and help young people to contribute to making their country better in the future,then I think that’s a very good reason,and we can also learn from the mistakes and failures as well as the victories that our country has experienced in the past.

3 Do you think it is hard to protect historical buildings?

It isn’t that hard really,if there is money and funding resources directed to doing so.But that depends on the decisions of the local governments,I think,and also how important those buildings are and how expensive they might be to upkeep.I think that it’s also a case of educating people about the importance of their own heritage.Protecting old buildings can also bring tourism to a place and inspire interest in places which maybe people have forgotten about.This,in turn,helps the economy of an area develop as well.



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