您现在的位置:外语频道 > 雅思 > 雅思口语 > 2023年1月雅思口语新题part2&3:描述一个你想短期停留的城市


2023-01-13 16:08:35        来源:中国教育在线



Describe a another city you would like to stay in for a short time

You should say:

Where it is

Who you went there with

What you will do in the city

And explain why you stay there just for a short time

1 Why do people sometimes go to other cities?

2 Why are historical cities popular?

3 Do you think tourists may come across bad things in other cities?


I would like to spend time in Paris.Paris is the capital city of France and I’ve heard that it is quite romantic and has quite a curious and interesting history.Paris is famous for a few key things,like the Notre Dame cathedral,which sadly burnt down in a fire a few years ago–well,the spire and a big section of the roof caught fire and burnt down.There are also a lot of amazing old streets and districts in Paris that are apparently full of cafes,artists and musicians.There is a great sense of culture in Paris,as far as I’ve heard,and a lot of art galleries and museums.I am studying art,so I am especially interested in going around the famous art galleries and seeing the works of Picasso and other greats.Paris is also famous for Jazz music,although not so many people know this.I’ve been playing the piano for years now,so I am especially interested in exploring the musical side of the city,visiting some jazz clubs and seeing live performances.I would arrange to stay in Paris about a week,I think,so I could really get into the place and soak up the atmosphere,visit the most famous museums and galleries,and explore the less well-known aspects of the city and the musical venues hidden away in San Michel and other districts.I’m not sure if a week sounds like a short time,but I’m used to long holidays,so…I’m a student,I have long holidays in the summer,so for me,a week is a short time,but certainly enough to time to really get to know a city.

1 Why do people sometimes go to other cities?

People generally enjoying seeing new things and visiting new places.That’s one reason why people might visit other cities–basically for tourism.Other reasons include visiting friends and family,or combining the two–tourism and family visits.Usually cities are where the most famous historical sites are,and the galleries and museums and places of interest,so very often if someone plans a holiday it will include a visit to the major city of the region.For example,there are some fantastic sites around Chengdu in the countryside,but on such a visit,people would usually choose to spend at least a day or two in the capital city itself,to get a real taste of the culture,the food,and the museums and places of interest in the city.

2 Why are historical cities popular?

People like history,and generally speaking historical cities are more aesthetically pleasing–at least the historical areas of major cities.Take Xi’an for example–the main area in the centre around the bell tower,and the wall and the muslim quarter,are the most beautiful areas of the city where you get to experience the flavor of ancient China.And this has also created a tourist industry where there are restaurants,souvenir markets and all sorts of other things that make a visit interesting and stimulating.So,historical cities are by far the most popular for tourism,for sure.

3 Do you think tourists may come across bad things in other cities?

Of course,sometimes.I don’t think it’s common that people have bad experiences in cities in my country–except the usual hassle of transport and crowds.But some cities can be dangerous if you’re in the wrong areas,maybe.There are rougher areas in every city in the world,and it’s best to know where these areas are and avoid them.However,generally,the main tourist areas of cities are well policed and protected,and the most hassle you are likely to get is arguing with sellers when you want to buy souvenirs!They can be quite intense and you have to haggle hard sometimes to get a good price–and you can get ripped off if you’re not careful.I guess that could be regarded as a‘bad thing’maybe.



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