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2023年1月雅思口语题part1:Taking photos

2023-02-14 15:53:03        来源:中国教育在线

2023年1月雅思口语题part1:Taking photos

Part 1

Taking photos

1 Do you like to take photographs?

2 Do you ever take photos of yourself?

3 What is your favorite family photo?

4 Do you want to improve your picture-taking skills?

2023年1月雅思口语题part1:Taking photos答案

1 Do you like to take photographs?

I love to take photographs.Sometimes I will take up to 30 photos of exactly the same item,but in different modes,angles and settings.The real fun starts when I manipulate,crop,edit and Photoshop them.After many hours,I upload my selected ones to my Wechat moments.

2 Do you ever take photos of yourself?

Well,call me a narcissist but,I'm kind of obsessed with taking selfies.It is just the quickest way to show where I am,who I am with,what I am doing and how I am feeling.It would take a lot more time to describe that in texts.

3 What is your favorite family photo?

My favourite family photo is one with my whole family,my parents,grandparents from both sides,cousins and their neighbours,at my auntie and uncle's house in Ankang,in the countryside in Shanxi Province.The photo brings back great memories of the Spring Festival that we spent there on my uncle's farm outside the town.It was a fantastic occasion,and the last photo that we took featuring my 98-year-old grandmother before she died.

4 Do you want to improve your picture-taking skills?

I think I already take pretty good photos.I've always been into photos,and care a lot about portraits and getting a photo to look good and balanced.So,I don't think I need or want to improve really–I'm not aiming to be a professional photographer–I think I'm more than good enough for my needs!



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