您现在的位置:外语频道 > 雅思 > 雅思口语 > 2023年1月雅思口语题part1:Geography


2023-02-14 15:54:01        来源:中国教育在线


Part 1


1 Have you ever studied geography at school?

2 Do you like geography?

3 Do you want to travel to a country because of its geographical conditions?


1 Have you ever studied geography at school?

I did study geography,yes.Physical geography,like plate tectonics–volcanoes and things like that,as well as land formation,and farming and the water cycle,and all of that type of stuff.We also studied human geography as well–population,demographics and things like that.

2 Do you like geography?

I do,actually.I find it quite interesting–especially physical geography.I’m interested in things related to the natural environment and the planet.And I am concerned about climate change and environmental issues facing us today,so I find geography relevant as well as interesting.

3 Do you want to travel to a country because of its geographical conditions?

Yes,I think so.At least it is one of the reasons I would choose to travel to a country,yes.For example,I am interested in lakes–I would like to spend some time in Sweden at the lakes–I heard they have a lot of lakes and it’s common to spend holidays at the lakes,go in boats and things like that.So,yes,I would choose a country with lots of lakes and water.



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