您现在的位置:外语频道 > 雅思 > 雅思口语 > 2023年1月雅思口语新题part2&3:描述你将来想学的东西范文


2023-02-17 15:41:57        来源:中国教育在线


Describe something you would like to learn in the future.

You should say:

What it is

How you would like to learn it

Why you would like to learn it

And explain whether it’s difficult to learn it

Something I would love to learn in the future is to speak Arabic.I think it’s a fantastic language and sounds so strong and confident and guttural and romantic all at the same time.I’m not sure where my love for the Arabic language comes from,really.I just feel drawn to it.Also,I am good at languages and I’m already fairly fluent in Cantonese,Japanese and English.I’m also a huge fan of international films–it’s always been my main hobby–I watch films from all corners of the world,and have a huge collection at home.The films in which they speak Arabic,or even Turkish,really appeal to me for some reason.I like the way the languages sound,as well as the attitude and personality of those that are speaking.I think it will be quite difficult to learn Arabic because the grammatical structures in the language are quite complex.A bit like Russian,maybe.I think that learning all the grammatical forms and changes will be challenging and a bit boring.Also,the script is very different,as well,which I think makes learning the language a bit more tricky.However,I’m used to Chinese,so learning another script,especially an alphabetical one,shouldn’t be too hard,really.So,yes,I’d love to learn Arabic,and I think I would like to work as translator and interpreter for international relations in the future,so I believe that it would also be a good language to learn in terms of this career ambition,as well.I think I will likely achieve this ambition–I have the time,motivation and the talent,I believe.I would learn the language by getting a private teacher,by getting some of the best books for learning Arabic,and continue to watch Arabic-speaking movies,and also follow some video tutorials online.



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