您现在的位置:外语频道 > 雅思 > 雅思口语 > 2023年1月雅思口语题part2&3:描述你在网购或商店遇到的问题范文


2023-02-17 15:45:12        来源:中国教育在线


Describe a problem you had while shopping online or in a store.

You should say:

When it happened

What you bought

What problems you had while shopping online

And explain how you felt about it

I’ve had many experiences with online shopping,but the one I recall the most clearly is the time that I bought an item and had such trouble getting a refund from the seller.I can’t remember the name of the store now,but anyway,I bought a thick coat for winter–it was quite expensive actually–and when it arrived,it had a rip in the back and the zip was faulty.I contacted the company through the online chat and they said they were happy to refund it,and I should just send it back.I arranged with a delivery service to send the package back and it went smoothly.They confirmed they had received it okay.Everything seemed to be fine.Then there was total silence for weeks….Yes,weeks!I contacted the seller,nothing.I checked my bank account and shopping platform order and returns messages,nothing.I messaged them countless times,and they simply did not reply.I had no idea what they were playing at but I was pretty angry.I contacted the online platform and they said they would put in a case against the seller.I didn’t really want it to get to this stage because that kind of process takes a long time sometimes,and is quite annoying.Anyway,they put in a case against the seller,and after all sorts of calls,steps,hurdles and disputes,I eventually got my refund.To be perfectly honest it kind of put me off online buying,at least online clothes buying.I like to just go to shops,try an item on,buy it or not buy and that’s that.That,to be honest,is the simpler and more enjoyable way of shopping.I think this whole online shopping thing is massively overrated to be honest.



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