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2023-03-20 16:10:53        来源:中国教育在线


Do you often wear jewelry?你经常带首饰吗?

No,I do not like these decorative items like necklaces,bracelets,or rings because they would jeopardize my movement in sports or cause some inconveniences in everyday life.For example,the necklace may accidentally hook up something while I jump up.


What type of jewelry do you like?你喜欢什么样的首饰?

As I have mentioned before,I rarely wear any jewelry.But if I had to pick one,I would say those with simple designs.They will naturally draw people’s attention to the corresponding body part but still allows me to stay low-profile in the crowd.


Do you usually buy jewelry?你经常买首饰吗?

No,I do not.The only time I bought a piece of jewelry was two years ago when I ordered a pair of gold earrings shaped into delicate flowers for my mom’s 45th birthday.She tried them on once she opened the box.They looked fantastic.


Why do you think some people wear a piece of jewelry for a long time?你觉得为什么一些人长时间的佩戴同一件首饰?

The jewelry must possess some special meaning to them.For example,it may be inherited from their grandmothers and will be passed on to their offspring,or it may be a gift from the person they love,such as their boyfriends,fathers,or best friends.




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