您现在的位置:外语频道 > 雅思 > 雅思口语 > 2023年1月雅思口语题part2&3:一段你决定等待某事的时刻范文


2023-02-17 16:01:58        来源:中国教育在线


Describe a time when you made a decision to wait for something

You should say:

When it happened

What you waited for

Why you made the decision

And explain how you felt about the decision

There is one time that comes to mind very strongly,when I made a decision to wait for something.That was a time when I was absolutely desperate to go on holiday,and had it all planned with a friend of mine,and then she told me she had to delay it…I was actually really annoyed.I had a decision to make:do I go on holiday on my own?Do I invite another friend to join me?Or do I exercise a bit of personal patience and wait?Well,let me explain the situation in a bit more detail,first:We had planned and bought refundable tickets to go to an island in Thailand together in the Spring Festival holidays.I had never been to south east asia before and I was especially excited about going to this island with my friend–it was famous for white sandy beaches,and moon parties and all sorts of other exciting stuff in a wonderful exotic setting–and it was not even that expensive!Anyway,A couple of weeks before the holiday she announced that her grandmother had insisted that the family get together for Spring Festival and had convinced her not to miss it.She had basically been persuaded to cancel her trip with me,delay it till the Summer holidays,to go see her family for Spring festival.Whilst I can understand this,I was obviously upset–it was going to be a big adventure for us,and most certainly a lot of fun.Anyway…another friend of mine said she would come with me and was quite enthusiastic about it….But..in the end,as much as I wanted to go,I decided that I would delay the trip and wait until the summer to go with the friend who had cancelled.It was a difficult decision because I really wanted to go and I was really geared up for it,but I felt a sense of loyalty to my friend,even though I was a bit annoyed she had cancelled on me.And,I was happy that I decided to delay the trip in the end.Sometimes you have to make decisions that you don’t want to make,and sometimes they end up being good decisions,after all.We are now closer friends than before,and are actually planning to go on that trip in August,just a couple of months from now!



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