您现在的位置:外语频道 > 雅思 > 雅思历年真题 > 2021雅思考试口语part2机经:“老人”答案示范(一)


2022-02-14 15:23:23        来源:中国教育在线



Describe an old person in your family who you like.

You should say:who this person is

what he/she looks like

what kind of person he/she is and explain why you like him or her so much.

The family member I like best would definitely be my grandfather,who is almost in his nineties now.But my grandfather looks much younger than his real age,with sparkling eyes and very few wrinkles on his face.Like many seniors,he always wears a big pair of reading glasses when he reads.Speaking of his personality,he's really nice and humorous.He used to be a teacher in an elementary school in our hometown before he retired,and actually he was quite popular among the students coz he always inspired them by his unique sense of humour.Now in his spare time,he's really into reading and playing Chinese chess,so I guess that's the way he still stays in open-minded and intelligent.Well,there are countless reasons that I like him.Firstly,he was the one who brought me up when I was very young,and he bought lots of toys and snacks for me.In addition to that,he taught me much in my life,not only how to ride a bicycle,but how to be a brave girl as well.So whenever I feel depressive or frustrated,I turn to him for comfort,he always knows how to cheer me up.I guess no one could understand me better than my grandpa,and I've just gotten used to being accompanied by him.






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