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2022-02-14 15:27:01        来源:中国教育在线



Describe a famous people you admire.

You should say:who this person was

how you first learnt about him or her how/why this person is famous and explain why you like this person.

My idol is Vincent Van Gogh,the Dutch painter,died at the age of 37,shot himself.The first time I got to know him was when I was in my Junior High,from a text book,actually.Vincent’s art career lasted for only 10 years,started from 1888 to 1898,and during his whole life,he suffered lots of pain,and totally relied on his younger brother for money.Many people regarded him as insane,coz he slashed off his left earlobe with scissors.However,I believe it was just a way of him to outlet and express himself,coz no one could understand him exactly at that time,maybe except his brother.When Vincent was alive,he didn’t sell any of his paintings,but now his masterpieces,like the Starry Night and the Sunflowers,became great treasures in this world,these paintings were incredibly vivid.Vincent is famous for his unique use of colour and the profound influence to the modern art.I admire him not only for his creative pieces of works,but his life experience shows me a true hero of modern art,to pursue what he was looking for bravely,thought lonely.






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