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女性担任高级职位-雅思写作同意与否-雅思大作文范文high-level positions to women

2023-04-25 17:12:36        来源:中国教育在线

这篇雅思写作大作文要求大家探讨公司中是否应该成比例的由女性担任高级职位的问题(雅思写作大作文思路性别与工作gender and work)。与我们之前遇到的机械的要求男女平等的题目不同,这道题目中先预设了公司中女性成员较多的事实,然后认为应该按照员工性别比例分配给女性高级职位,具有一定的合理性,会更加难以反驳一些。小编搜集了一篇相关的高分范文,以供大家参考。


Many high-level positions in companies are filled by men even though the workforce in many developed countries is more than 50 percent female.Companies should be required to allocate a certain percentage of these positions to women.To what extent do you agree or disagree?




In recent years,the role of women in society has changed to a great extent and their contribution is increasingly important.However,it is noticeable that higher positions in firms are still managed by men,although women account for half of the workforce in developed countries.While some people claim that women should be promoted more to hold these positions,I personally disagree with this idea.My disagreement is not about women working in these positions,rather allocating a certain percentage for them.



The first reason for my opinion is that recruiting should not be based on candidates’gender,but qualification and aptitude.This is because choosing people who cannot adapt working condition will make companies confront many difficulties-even this can affect profit,productivity and public image of a company.For instance,in my brother’s workplace,a woman was recruited in a higher position only because she was a relative of the owner.In few months the management had to replace her with a more competent employee.Therefore,a company should always choose the best people in order to develop its operation.If a female candidate seems more promising or if an existing female employee has excellent capabilities,there should not be any problem in recruiting or promoting a woman in a higher position.However important posts in a company should not be reserved for women only.



Again,if percentage or number is the most crucial factor,I would say children should also be promoted to higher positions in a company in a developing country as their percentage in factories and industries in those countries is also high.Furthermore,despite the development of our society,women still play an important role in our family.This can have negative effects on organisations if they cannot leave their personal worries behind and work in decision-making and important positions.



In conclusion,I strongly believe that employees should be recruited according to their expertise and talent.It is therefore recommended that women who want to play important roles in an organisation should attempt to gain high qualifications,skills.They should not be favoured only because of their gender.




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