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国家粮食自给自足-雅思写作同意与否-雅思大作文范文a country should try to produce all the food

2023-04-25 17:13:56        来源:中国教育在线



Some people suggest that a country should try to produce all the food for its population and import as little food as possible.To what extent do you agree or disagree?




Every country wants to reduce its dependency on importing while wishes to maximise its export items and the food is not an exception to that.However,not all countries have the same geographic features,weather condition and suitable lands to produce each type of food its citizens need.This is why a country should focus more on its overall economic growth rather than using manpower and budget to become self-reliant on food,despite some people’s opposing views.



To begin with,soil,weather condition,available lands and demographics of a county determines what crops and fruits it can produce.Not all countries have the same geographical feature and manpower and thus it is evitable that some of the items require importing.In many cases,importing is rather advantageous than producing it.For instance,it is impossible for an Arab country to produce all types of foods due to its weather condition.If they focus on growing these food items and engage its manpower to do that,their economic growth would get slower.



Moreover,a country like Germany and China can focus on manufacturing and industrial innovation while import food from other countries.The ultimate outcome is more beneficial for them.However,this might not be the case for a country that solely depends on the agriculture sector and the majority of its population are already dependant on it.They can focus on improving its production but this model is not suitable for industrial countries.



To conclude,I personally believe that free trade and globalisation have made the world a global village and with the speedy transportation system,food import cost has already declined.Since fulfilling the mass people’s diverse needs for various kinds of food is not feasible for a country,it should focus on its true potential rather than allocating budget and manpower to become self-dependent on food.




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