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雅思大作文范文颜色影响健康与工作colour influence people’s health and capacity

2022-10-10 14:38:36        来源:中国教育在线

雅思大作文范文颜色影响健康与工作colour influence people’s health and capacity,那么接下来就跟着中国教育在线的小编详细了解一下吧。


Psychologists have known for many years that colour can affect how people feel.For this reason,attention should be given to colour schemes when decorating places such as offices and hospitals.How true this statement?How far colours influence people’s health and capacity for work?




Colour has always played an important role in human history and according to some recent research,it affects our consciousness and mood.I personally believe that a proper colour represents goodwill and shows tenderness and this is why public buildings should have proper colour and decoration.



To begin with,we are associated with different colours from the very beginning of our life.Parents and teachers teach us different colours and scientists believe that a child’s ability to classify different colours is connected with his calibre and talent.Thus our brains associate these colours with our moods and feelings.For instance,the red light on the streets sends an immediate alert to our brain to stop our vehicle while the green colour signals us to go ahead.This article is from website.Thus we are trained to react and feel differently with the association of colours.From this perspective,it is important to use soothing and accepted colours in places like schools,hospitals and offices.



Furthermore,we tend to associate colours with different events from our personal experience.For these reasons,some people relate red with blood while white with peace.Universally blue is the colour of nature and fewer people would complain about it.Besides,people in some countries relate colours with certain moods.For example,more than one-quarter Americans believe that blue has something to do with comfort and cosiness while red represents violence.Due to the influence of colours in human psychology,all renowned food and beverage retailers have their own colour schemes.



To conclude,people’s wellbeing often depends on the psychological condition and since colour has an acute influence on our mood,proper colour schemes should be used in our homes,offices,schools and public places.




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