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2022-10-12 15:30:40        来源:中国教育在线



Nowadays more and more older people compete with younger people for the same jobs.What can be the reasons for this?What would you suggest as a solution?




It is true that competition is a significant attitude in a workplace which is more prevalent between young and old employees.There are numerous reasons regarding this issue and various measures can be taken by governments to improve this situation.



Higher unemployment proportion and the incursion of the innovative breakthrough are the major causes of increased competition amongst both young and old groups.Since people have faced an economic recession and the rising unemployment rate in the world,they are more willing to maintain the job they have and youngsters compete with their older counterparts to find a great job.This article is from website.At the same time,due to the advanced technology,employers find the young generation more knowledgeable with higher qualifications.In this regard,youngsters are more likely to be recruited by them.However,the sense of competitiveness will arise at this point because older people believe that traditional and conventional methods are far more useful and never replaced with novel ones.



Providing greater job possibilities and utilising both young and old people to train each other are the keys to solving this problem.It is the governments’responsibility to invest in creating job opportunities and employ or maintain the elderly who are skilled and experienced so as to train younger counterparts.Besides,authorities can offer training courses for old workers in order to boost their technological knowledge.As a result,older people can benefit from the younger to learn modern technology usage at work.



In conclusion,the competition among the young and the old workers will only be tackled if both groups help each other to improve their weaknesses and providing more job opportunities in society.




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