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雅思阅读话题及范文:What did the 2006 discovery of the animal bone reveal about the lynx?

2022-06-13 15:34:09        来源:中国教育在线

雅思阅读话题及范文:What did the 2006 discovery of the animal bone reveal about the lynx?

雅思阅读话题及范文:What did the 2006 discovery of the animal bone reveal about the lynx?

剑桥雅思真题12Test8阅读P2-Bring back the big cats

It’s time to start returning vanished native animals to Britain, says John Vesty答案+解析

Questions 14-18

14.What did the 2006 discovery of the animal bone reveal about the lynx?



15.What point does the writer make about large predators in the third paragraph?


题目解析:第三段的后三句“One of the most striking findings of modern ecology is that ecosystems without large predators behave in completely different ways from those that retain them. Some of them drive dynamic processes that resonate through the whole food chain, creating niches for hundreds of species that might otherwise struggle to survive. The killers turn out to be bringers of life”,提到有无大型捕食动物的两种生态系统其表现完全不同,捕食动物驱动着能影响整个食物链的动态进程,为成百上千个原本可能挣扎求存的物种创造出了生存的一席之地,杀手最终变成了生命的赋予者,因此本题答案为A。

16.What does the writer suggest about British conservation in the fourth paragraph?



17.Protecting large areas of the sea from commercial fishing would result in


题目解析:根据题目中large areas of the sea from commercial fishing定位到第五段,提到禁止在一些海域进行商业捕鱼行为,这种政策能大大增加周围海域的捕鱼量,如果捕鱼业坚持在每一寸海域进行捕鱼活动,则没有地方可以进行繁殖,这样反而更损害捕鱼业的利益。说明禁止在某些海域进行商业捕鱼其实是更符合捕渔业的利益,因此本题答案为A。

18.According to the author, what distinguishes rewilding from other environmental campaigns?





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