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托福tpo49听力lecture2 Montessori Method

2022-11-08 15:10:06        来源:中国教育在线

托福tpo49听力lecture2 Montessori Method,接下来就跟着中国教育在线的小编详细了解一下吧。

Montessori Method托福听力原文翻译及问题答案

一、Montessori Method托福听力原文:

NARRATOR:Listen to part of a lecture in an education class.The professor is discussing the Italian educator Maria Montessori.

FEMALE PROFESSOR:Okay,if you did your reading for today then you were introduced to a very influential alternative to traditional education.This educational philosophy and methodology was pioneered in Italy in the early 1900s by Dr.Maria Montessori.It's called the Montessori Method.But what made the Montessori Method for young children so different?What made it so different,so special?

MALE STUDENT:It's based on very different ideas about how kids learn best,right?

FEMALE PROFESSOR:Um,hmm.It was groundbreaking.To begin with,unlike the traditional classrooms at the time,the Montessori classroom environment was more suited to the child—the furniture was child-sized;well,it's that way in almost all schools now,but that wasn't always the case.

We can thank Montessori for this.Uh,you won't see any long benches with children in rows or heavy desks that separate children.Children are free to interact with each other.An-and in Montessori classrooms the furniture is lightweight,so children can move it around easily.And having furniture and materials made to fit them makes kids feel more competent.This fits in with Montessori’s notion of liberty and autonomy.Children are free to move around the room,and they learn to do things for themselves.

MALE STUDENT:I'm not sure I get that part.It sounds like potential chaos.

FEMALE PROFESSOR:Oh,no,no,no.Let's not confuse this liberty of activity with lack of discipline.In fact,teachers have to maintain this specific environment carefully through a number of rules,which are generally about respect and what’s right.It-it’s just that the child needs freedom of choice to develop independence and self-direction.

Also,unlike what happens in most conventional classrooms,children choose their own activities.They may be guided by the teacher,but it’s ultimately up to each child to select tasks.Which brings us to the manipulative equipment you find in a Montessori classroom,ah,like little boards that have rough or smooth surfaces,or blocks that can be stacked into a tower.Now,this equipment was designed by Montessori over time with much experimentation—designed,um,well,designed to help children teach themselves,through playing.

FEMALE STUDENT:Well,what do the teachers do,I mean,if the kids are teaching themselves?

FEMALE PROFESSOR:Ah,well,that's a good question.To start,uh,a child may not work with an activity until the teacher has demonstrated its proper use.Then the Montessori teacher's job is to observe the child's play,because when the children“play”they're acquiring the basis for later concepts.So the teacher helps motivate and focus each child and monitors the child's progress,but does not interfere with the child's observations and deductions.That was—and still is—a novel idea,and—for many teachers—not the easiest thing to do.In fact,for some it's very difficult.Montessori herself called the teacher a“director.”Remember,the independence of the learner lies at the heart of the Montessori methodology.

FEMALE STUDENT:OK,yeah,it does seem like the teacher'd need a lot of training and patience.

FEMALE PROFESSOR:True.As I said,it's not easy for a lot of teachers to step back like that.But getting back to the equipment.Basic Montessori equipment can be divided into a number of major subject areas,such as Practical Life,Mathematics,and what is called Sensorial.

With the sensorial equipment the children can explore things like sounds and textures.At the same time they develop motor skills.But this apparent play is laying the groundwork for later math and language work.

Now let's take a look at the materials called“brown stairs.”For a young child playing with these graduated blocks,these uh,brown stairs,they are not just a sensorial lesson.By manipulating them,the child develops fine motor skills and by sorting and classifying them by size,by weight,the child learns some basic mathematics.…Similarly,with Practical Life equipment,the child can learn how to button a shirt,cut up an apple for a snack,and,uh,other real-world tasks.

MALE STUDENT:With all this integration and real-world learning,is there any room for creativity?<br>

FEMALE PROFESSOR:Is creativity encouraged?Well,Montessori teachers wouldn’t praise a child for using a violin as a baseball bat or for putting it on their head like a hat.But,actually,creativity comes through learning to play the violin,using the object for the purpose it was intended,and Practical Life exercises stress that.

二、Montessori Method托福听力中文翻译:

















三、Montessori Method托福听力问题:

Q1:What is the lecture mainly about?

A.Children's reactions to the Montessori Method

B.Teacher training in the Montessori Method

C.How the Montessori Method facilitates children's development

D.How Maria Montessori developed her educational method

Q2:What does the professor imply about the furniture that was traditionally found in children's classrooms in the early 1900s?[Click on three answers.]

A.It did not encourage interaction among children.

B.It helped maintain discipline in the classroom.

C.It was heavy and difficult for children to move.

D.It was not child sized.

E.It encouraged children to act independently.

Q3:According to the professor,what is the primary goal of the Montessori teacher?

A.To instruct the child in the correct use of the manipulative equipment

B.To prepare the child socially for future school interactions

C.To focus directly on the skills necessary for academic success

D.To guide the child to learn skills and concepts independently

Q4:What is the professor's attitude about the Montessori teacher's role?

A.She thinks children need more interaction with adults than it allows.

B.She thinks it is too limiting for the teacher.

C.She thinks it could be a difficult role to perform.

D.She thinks it demands expertise in many academic areas.

Q5:What does the example of the brown stairs demonstrate about Montessori classroom materials?

A.That natural materials provide children with a superior sensorial experience

B.That Montessori classroom materials are generally the same as those used in other primary schools

C.That same materials lack a particular educational focus

D.That one set of materials can be used to introduce several skills

Q6:Why does the professor mention the violin?[Click on two answers.]

A.To demonstrate the type of creativity the Montessori method encourages

B.To stress the importance of music education at an early age

C.To give an example of how advanced Montessori lessons can be

D.To show that Montessori teachers expect materials to be used for their intended purpose

四、Montessori Method托福听力答案:









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