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托福tpo49听力conversation1 Restricted Access

2022-11-08 15:07:34        来源:中国教育在线

托福tpo49听力conversation1 Restricted Access,接下来就跟着中国教育在线的小编详细了解一下吧。

Restricted Access托福听力原文翻译及问题答案

一、Restricted Access托福听力原文:

NARRATOR:Listen to a conversation between a student and a librarian.

MALE STUDENT:Uh,hi,I need to get into Special Collections.In particular the British Literature.I was working with some of the William Blake books.

FEMALE LIBRARIAN:Well,then you must know that access is restricted.

MALE STUDENT:Um,I was in a seminar with Professor Gray,and she authorized access for us.

FEMALE LIBRARIAN:Oh,if that's the case…let me check.Right,yeah,but it looks like that expired at the end of last semester.

MALE STUDENT:But I really need to get back in there.See,I didn't quite finish my project…

FEMALE LIBRARIAN:Ah ha,the plot thickens!Well,it's easy enough;have Professor Gray authorize you again.You see,these editions are rare and shouldn't be handled more than necessary.Can you work from later editions?Or microfilm?

MALE STUDENT:Not really…actually my project—well,it involves some annotations in the particular edition here.They haven't been reproduced because they’re really not part of the text.generally clean them up.They’re quite hard to see…

FEMALE LIBRARIAN:Well,often the characteristics of the manuscripts have been recorded.These types of extraneous markings might also be noted.

MALE STUDENT:I don't think they are.They're very faint,and well,I think I have a new angle on them.There was a study once a long time ago about these notes that everybody else has since taken for granted,without checking for themselves.I think there might have been a mistake in the past,that they were misread…

FEMALE LIBRARIAN:So,get Professor Gray…

MALE STUDENT:Uh,she's away this semester.I had to beg her to give me extra time on this project.I haven't even received a grade in the class yet.And,this class is a prerequisite for other classes in my major.I really need to see those books so I can finish up this project and get back on course to graduate on time.

FEMALE LIBRARIAN:Everybody has special circumstances…

MALE STUDENT:Two hours?One hour?I promise to be careful.I just need to look at a few pages with a strong magnifying glass.

FEMALE LIBRARIAN:Well,I can't let you in without authorization from your professor.Can you get in touch with her somehow?

MALE STUDENT:Maybe she's checking her e-mail.I really thought I'd be able to straighten this out without her.You know,she did me a huge favor by giving me the extra time.I feel like I'm skating on thin ice with her…

FEMALE LIBRARIAN:You know,you were lucky to have had permission to look at the books last semester.If we don't maintain our policies,they'll disintegrate.

MALE STUDENT:I know.Would an e-mail from her or a phone call be good enough?


二、Restricted Access托福听力中文翻译:




















三、Restricted Access托福听力问题:

Q1:What are the speakers mainly discussing?

A.The student's difficulties locating sources for a research project

B.The topic of the student's research project

C.The student's request to visit a particular part of the library

D.Procedures for requesting different editions of a book

Q2:Why is the student unable to use later editions or reproductions of a book he mentions?

A.The later editions contain errors.

B.Professor Gray specified the use of a particular edition.

C.The later editions must be requested from another library.

D.Reproductions typically omit the specific material he needs.

Q3:Why is the student reluctant to contact Professor Gray?

A.He already has disturbed her several times during her time away from campus.

B.He does not feel comfortable about asking her for another favor.

C.He does not know her e-mail address.

D.He wants to surprise her with a completed project.

Q4:What does the woman imply about the rules regarding Special Collections?

A.The rules are unfair to the students.

B.The rules are in place to protect the books.

C.The rules are determined by the professors.

D.The rules have changed since the previous semester.

Q5:What does the woman mean when she says this:

A.She has been in a similar situation herself.

B.She will help the student solve his problem.

C.She has often heard this kind of story from students.

D.She thinks the student should try to understand her situation.

四、Restricted Access托福听力答案:








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