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The Formation of Ice托福听力原文翻译及问题答案

2023-04-14 15:29:11        来源:中国教育在线

新托福听力难度大,题型多,而且听力和写作、口语等部分也相关联,可以说,是牵一发而动全身的地位。所以要想取得高分,需要以残酷的、毫无疑问的、不存在任何侥幸的听力实力为基础。那么关于“The Formation of Ice托福听力原文翻译及问题答案”的内容,下面由小编来给大家分享。

The Formation of Ice托福听力原文翻译及问题答案

一、The Formation of Ice托福听力原文:

W:I’m glad to see everyone made it to school safely this morning.I wish I could say the same for myself,but I had a rather close call when I was getting on the expressway.I was on the on-ramp,and my car suddenly skidded and turned completely around,so I ended up with my car facing backward.Luckily,there was no one right behind me.I was able to turn my car around and slowly drive on.You see,what had happened was,I ran into a patch of black ice.And the nature of black ice is that you just don’t see it coming because it’s practically invisible.Generally,the formation of ice requires two conditions:the presence of water and temperatures below freezing.However,black ice can form on the highway when the air temperature is slightly above freezing but the ground temperature is below freezing.That’s how it was at seven o’clock this morning when I was driving to campus.The air temperature was 34 degrees Fahrenheit;however,the overnight low had been in the low twenties,so the ground temperature was below freezing.The black ice formed when evaporation on the wet surface of the pavement—it was mist,actually,water vapor—when the mist was exposed to above-freezing air temperatures.The evaporation lowered the surface temperature to below freezing,and this then froze the very thin layer of mist on the surface of the pavement.

M:Excuse me,Dr.West.I’m not sure I heard you correctly.Are you saying it’s possible for ice to form,even when it’s not freezing outside?W:Yes,and black ice is a good example of this.The air temperature can be above freezing,but the temperature of a wet surface like pavement can be lower.The same thing happens when wet laundry is left hanging outside and it freezes solid at an air temperature of 35 degrees.Water evaporates from the wet clothes,which are colder than the air,and the vapor rising from the laundry freezes.So yourclothes arc then covered with a thin film of ice.One of the reasons black ice takes us so much by surprise is that we don’t expect to find ice when the thermometer says it’s above freezing—the air temperature,that is.But air temperature can be deceiving,and we have to be careful,especially on mornings like today.We usually think of ice formation as the freezing of liquid water,but ice can also form by the process of sublimation.Sublimation is when water changes state from a gas directly to a solid—or from a solid to a gas—without first becoming a liquid.Ice formed in this way—by sublimation—forms directly from water vapor,or mist,which is a gas.

M:So,what you’re saying is,black ice is formed by sublimation?

W:Yes.Black ice is formed by sublimation—directly from water vapor on the surface of the road.Black ice is a form of frost.Some other forms of frost are ground frost and the frost you see on windows on cold winter nights.It can look like delicate feathery patterns of crystals on your windowpane,or it can be fernlike crystals several centimeters long on the twigs and branches of trees.Water vapor forms as frost on the surface of an object if the temperature of the surface falls below both the freezing point and the point at which water vapor condenses to a liquid.In the case of window frost,the temperature of the window glass has to be below freezing.The window is chilled because it’s losing heat to the colder air outside.By the way,the beautiful patterns of window frost are due to its slightly curved crystals,because of organic impurities on the glass—dust and dirt—that interfere with crystal growth.

二、The Formation of Ice托福听力中文翻译:





三、The Formation of Ice托福听力问题:

Q1:1.What is the talk mainly about?

A.The dangers of driving in icy conditions

B.The formation of ice from water vapor

C.The various colors that ice crystals take

D.The ice that falls to earth as precipitation

Q2:2.Why does the professor talk about her drive to school this morning?

A.To give an example of a safe driving practice

B.To encourage students to tell personal stories

C.To describe the best way to get to campus

D.To lead into the topic of discussion

Q3:3.The professor briefly explains how black ice forms.Indicate whether each sentence below is part of the process.For each sentence,click in the correct box.

Snow changes to ice on tree branches and other exposed surfaces.

The air temperature is above freezing,but the ground temperature is below freezing.

A thin layer of water vapor freezes on the surface of the highway.

Pellets of ice develop from supercooled water droplets.

Q4:4.Why does the professor say this:

A.To warn students not to hang laundry outdoors

B.To find out if the students wash their own clothes

C.To illustrate the same phenomenon in a different way

D.To point out a mystery that scientists cannot explain

Q5:5.Which of the following sentences illustrates sublimation?

A.A thin layer of ice forms on the surface of a lake.

B.Raindrops freeze when they touch the cold ground.

C.Water vapor freezes on the surface of a sidewalk.

D.All of the ice cubes in a glass of soda melt.

四、The Formation of Ice托福听力答案:








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