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Ask for a Recommendation Letter托福听力原文翻译及问题答案

2023-04-20 16:33:59        来源:中国教育在线

新托福听力难度大,题型多,而且听力和写作、口语等部分也相关联,可以说,是牵一发而动全身的地位。所以要想取得高分,需要以残酷的、毫无疑问的、不存在任何侥幸的听力实力为基础。那么关于“Ask for a Recommendation Letter托福听力原文翻译及问题答案”的内容,下面由小编来给大家分享。

Ask for a Recommendation Letter托福听力原文翻译及问题答案

一、Ask for a Recommendation Letter托福听力原文:

W:Professor Beckman,do you have a minute?

M:Sure.What can I do for you,Amelia?

W:Well,I’ve decided to apply to the teacher certification program,and I wondered—I’d like it if you would,um,recommend me for the program.

M:Oh,so you want to be a teacher!Good,good,glad to hear it.What level do you want to teach?

W:Actually,grades six to eight interest me the most.I loved school—especially science—when I was that age.

M:Good,glad to hear it.I have a strong sense that you’ll be a dedicated teacher.Now,you say you need a letter from me.

W:Yes.Would you be able to do that?

M:Of course,I’d be happy to.But tell me more about your decision to teach,and...uh...why you think you’ll be good at it.

W:All right.Well,let’s see,um,I guess I’ve known for a long time that I wanted to be a teacher,ever since I was in sixth grade myself.I loved science when I was a kid—still love science—and...I guess I,um,want to share my love of science with kids.I’ve worked with kids before—as a camp counselor for two summers—teaching nature classes and leading nature hikes and stuff like that—and 1 just had so much fun with the kids!I think I’m a pretty good counselor,and I love being in the woods myself.

M:Now remind me‘cause I tend to forget these things...you were in my Human Development course?Is that right?

W:Yes,and also General Psychology in my freshman year.

M:Right,right.Good.I’m trying to get a handle on this.I recall that your presentation in Human Development was very well thought of by your classmates.You did a study of adolescence—is that right?

W:Yes.I talked about identity and role confusion,and I looked at two groups of kids,one eleven and the other fifteen years old.

M:Right.You showed slides of the children’s artwork.

W:That’s right.They did self-portraits.It was interesting,too,because in a lot of ways the younger kids were more expressive...and more positive in their image of themselves.The older kids’art was more sophisticated technically,but in a lot of ways it was darker,even in the colors they used.

M:Hmm.Yes,I recall.Your report was very well done.I remember it well,and I’ll mention it in my letter.So,when is it that you need this?

W:My entire application is due on March 15.There’s a form for you to use...here.You send it directly to the Dean of the School of Education.

M:Right,right.I know these forms.You can just leave it with me.I’ll fill it out and see that it gets there on time.

W:Thanks!I really appreciate your help.

M:And I’m happy to help.

二、Ask for a Recommendation Letter托福听力中文翻译:





















三、Ask for a Recommendation Letter托福听力问题:

Q1:1.What is the main purpose of the conversation?

A.The professor asked the student to come and talk to him.

B.The professor wants the student to be his teaching assistant.

C.The student wants a recommendation from the professor.

D.The student wants to discuss her research project.

Q2:2.Why does the student want to be a teacher?

A.She has an opportunity to teach a class about nature.

B.She enjoyed studying science when she was a child.

C.She is interested in the psychology of children’s art.

D.She wants to make the professor proud of her.

Q3:3.Why does the student talk about being a camp counselor?

A.To summarize what she did in a psychology course

B.To describe her experience in working with children

C.To explain her interest in being a psychologist

D.To ask for the professor’s help in getting a job

Q4:4.Why does the professor say this?

A.He is thinking about what he will say in the recommendation.

B.He wants to know the student’s opinion of his psychology class.

C.He needs the student’s help in solving a difficult problem.

D.He would like to try something that he has never done before.

Q5:5.What will the professor probably include in the form that he fills out?

A.The student’s examination scores

B.Slides of the student’s artwork

C.A copy of the student’s employment history

D.A description of the student’s research report

四、Ask for a Recommendation Letter托福听力答案:








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