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2022-11-03 14:52:26        来源:中国教育在线



Students should spend at least one year working or traveling before they go to university?Do you agree or disagree?(2016年3月13日)













Such is human nature to explore the unknown and see the outside word,that is why a great many high school graduates are keen on traveling or working for a period of time before attending dream universities.Conflicting ideas clash in determining whether or not it is a wise idea to inspire high school leavers to experience the Grand Tour.As I see it,the merits of experiencing the gap year outshine its potential demerits.


The most important educational benefit of taking a year off before starting university life is that traveling exposes young adults to stunning places and exotic cultures.It is one thing for teenagers to read about distant countries,but it is even better to enrich the experience of the world on one’s own.What one learns by associating with strangers and absorbing diverse cultures is something he or she could never acquire in the classrooms.For example,I made many congenial friends by self-travel to Tibet after finishing my schooling.This fantastic journey not only expanded my mind but also alleviated my stress triggered by tight academic study.Feasting my eyes on the stunning landscape really sweetened my life and lifted my spirit.


Virtually,youngsters can also become the beneficiaries of working as part-timers too.By that I mean,earning a living has a key role to play in helping one accumulate relevant working experience,train one’s crisis-solving abilities and deepen one’s insight into the society,which will lay a solid foundation for one’s future career ladder.To illustrate,via embarking on part-time jobs,I knew that money doesn’t grow on trees.Then,I studied even harder when coming back to campus.



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