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2022-11-03 15:09:11        来源:中国教育在线



Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?A person's childhood years(the time from birth to twelve years of age)are the most important years of a person's life.Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.







It has been seen that children who get the love and support of their parents and teachers in their childhood turn out bemature and emotionally balanced teenagers and adults.On the other hand,if we look at the childhood of criminals and other anti social elements,we will find that most of them have been through tough times as children.They were deprivedof proper care and upbringing.Delinquents also have a history of abuse in their childhood many a times.

Children are always inquisitive and willingto learn.When they are provided a stimulating environment in which they can develop their talents and learn to enjoy their work,they become good citizens who are an asset to the nation.Family is the most important institution in a child'sformative years because parents are children's role models.Children develop their ethics,moral values and temperament in tune with what they see in their parents and elder siblings.The type of personality that a child develops isdifficult to change later.

So I firmly believe that childhood is a vital part of a person's life that plays an important role in shaping his future.



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