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2022-11-03 16:26:25        来源:中国教育在线




The independent essay usually asks for your opinion about a familiar topic.You will have 30 minutes to plan,write,and revise your response.Typically,a good essay for the independent topic will require that you write 300–350 words.


Advances in transportation and communication like the airplane and the telephone have changed the way that nations interact with each other in a global society.Choose another technological innovation that you think is important.Give specific reasons for your choice.




Although internet came into being about 2 decades ago,it has changed the way we live much more than the last 200 years.Its influence on business,communication and information is so profound that people now simply can't live without it.

Based on the development of internet,a lot of new types of business ranging from international conglomerate to regional small online shops are also established.The most famous internet based international conglomerate would be Google.Companies like this basically do not sell products but their service.This changed the traditional way of doing business which always involved some concrete products sell to people.Internet opens a cyber world in which a huge market is untapped.Besides large companies,internet also prospers small businesses.For example,local stores can do their business online.All they have to do is to create a website of their own and all customers need to do is to go to their websites and order what they want.Then they just need wait at home for the products they just purchased to be delivered.This way,we never need to worry about the traditional exhausting shopping.

Internet also fundamentally changed the way people communicate.There are a lot of chatting programs,such as MSN,YAHOO MESSENGER,SKYPE,that make it possible for people from different parts of the world to have a conversation with each other as long as everyone has access to internet.They even provide audio and video services meaning not only people can chat,but also they can hear and see each other.Besides that,what really makes them appealing is that they don't charge us for doing these things.These advantages definitely surpass the service that mobile phone provides us.

Internet is also like a huge tank that can contain almost infinite information.A search has shown that right now the information that internet can provide us exceeds any library in the world and some even argue that it has more information than all the libraries in total.I certainly wouldn't doubt that.I use internet to search for a lot of information.Whenever I have an project to finish,the first thing I do is to go to the internet to find relevant materials.

There is no doubt that internet has had a fundamental change on our everyday life.Though there are many problems that accompany with it,we can't deny that internet is one of the most innovations in human history.



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