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The Study of Chemistry托福听力原文翻译及问题答案

2023-04-19 16:24:28        来源:中国教育在线

新托福听力难度大,题型多,而且听力和写作、口语等部分也相关联,可以说,是牵一发而动全身的地位。所以要想取得高分,需要以残酷的、毫无疑问的、不存在任何侥幸的听力实力为基础。那么关于“The Study of Chemistry托福听力原文翻译及问题答案”的内容,下面由小编来给大家分享。

The Study of Chemistry托福听力原文翻译及问题答案

一、The Study of Chemistry托福听力原文:

Chemistry is sometimes called the central science.This isn’t surprising,since most of the processes going on around us involve chemical changes.Here are just a few of them:A plant grows by changing simple substances into more complex substances.The steel in a car rusts.

Eggs,sugar,flour,and baking powder are mixed and baked into a cake.Emissions from a power plant cause the formation of acid rain.

Chemistry is the science that deals with the materials of the universe and the changes these materials go through.Chemistry is at the heart of our efforts to create new materials to make our lives better—for example,to produce new sources of energy.Chemists work on a lot of different things.Some examine the fundamental particles of matter.Others are looking for molecules in space.Still others are looking for ways to control the diseases that threaten our food supply or us.

But whatever the work,all chemists need certain skills.When my former students come back to visit me,they all say the same thing.They say that what’s essential in their success is an understanding of the fundamentals,the ability to solve problems,and the ability to communicate.

Some people think education is just storing information in the brain.A lot of students just want to memorize lists of facts and then sort of spit it all out on tests.Of course,storing facts in the brain is important.The language of chemistry is unfamiliar at first,and you do have to memorize a lot of terms and definitions.You have to learn the vocabulary before you can communicate.Memorizing facts is important,but it’s just the beginning of education.Don’t stop there.Don’t be afraid to do some thinking of your own,and don’t be afraid to trust yourself to figure things out.Analytical thinking is the center of education.

Chemistry courses have a reputation for being difficult.

This isn’t surprising,since chemical systems are,well,complicated.Don’t expect to understand everything right away.Just remember that even experienced chemists don’t understand everything at first.It’s not a disaster to make a mistake,but it could be,if you don’t learn from your mistake.

To solve a typical chemistry problem,you have to go through the given information and decide what information is really important.If you can’t do one of the homework problems,don’t just look up the answer in the back of the book.That’s not how you learn.You’ll learn more if you go hack and review the relevant material,and then try the problem again.Don’t be afraid to struggle with it.If you do struggle with the problems,then find a classmate to work with,and struggle together.Actually,this is kind of a good way to learn about how scientists work together,trying one thing and then another until they come up with a solution.

It takes time to learn chemistry.You might not understand everything at first,and you might not be able to do the problems the first time you try.You might feel frustrated when you make a mistake.Just keep working—and learning from your mistakes—and you’ll make steady progress.

二、The Study of Chemistry托福听力中文翻译:










三、The Study of Chemistry托福听力问题:

Q1:1.What is the main purpose of the talk?

A.To test the students’ability to understand chemistry

B.To explain different kinds of chemical processes

C.To list the jobs available to chemistry graduates

D.To introduce the students to the study of chemistry

Q2:2.According to the professor,why is chemistry sometimes called the central science?

A.Chemistry courses are the most difficult.

B.Chemical processes occur all around us.

C.Chemistry students have high status.

D.Chemists study how to control diseases.

Q3:3.Why does the professor mention her former students?

A.To introduce basic skills that all chemists need

B.To make the study of chemistry more exciting

C.To give examples of successful graduates

D.To recommend former students as tutors

Q4:4.What does the professor imply about memorizing information?

A.It is the best strategy for earning high test scores.

B.It is difficult when the information is unfamiliar.

C.It is the only way to make chemistry interesting.

D.It is not the most important part of education.

Q5:5.Why does the professor say this:

A.To emphasize the importance of doing homework regularly

B.To show that studying with others is useful in the sciences

C.To explain that every problem has only one correct answer

D.To encourage students to pursue graduate study in chemistry

四、The Study of Chemistry托福听力答案:








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