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Writing Art Reviews托福听力原文翻译及问题答案

2023-04-19 16:26:25        来源:中国教育在线

新托福听力难度大,题型多,而且听力和写作、口语等部分也相关联,可以说,是牵一发而动全身的地位。所以要想取得高分,需要以残酷的、毫无疑问的、不存在任何侥幸的听力实力为基础。那么关于“Writing Art Reviews托福听力原文翻译及问题答案”的内容,下面由小编来给大家分享。

Writing Art Reviews托福听力原文翻译及问题答案

一、Writing Art Reviews托福听力原文:

W:Excuse me.Do you work for The Hilltop Journal?

M:Yes.I’m Dan MacGregor,the managing editor.

W:Nice to meet you.My name is Rhonda Davis—


W:—and I’m interested in writing for the campus paper.

M:Are you in the journalism program?

W:No,but I’m an English major with an interest in the performing arts.I’m interested—I’d like to write arts reviews,stories about...uh...concerts and films and events in the arts.I’ve already done a lot of this kind of writing.

M:Hmm.We’ve already got a couple of journalism students who write reviews.

W:Do you have to be a journalism major to write for The Journal?

M:Strictly speaking,no.But it helps to be endorsed by a professor in the journalism department.It’s like this.You see,we’re not a big paper to start out with,and the administration just cut our funding,and there are lots of students who want to write for us,so I’m afraid it’s pretty competitive.

W:Really?I guess I didn’t know the full situation.

M:Yeah.We all wish it were different,actually,but you could still try.I mean,you could talk to one of the journalism professors,and show them some of your writing.If they endorse it,you could come back here.I just couldn’t guarantee anything at present.Like I said,our budget was cut,and we had to reduce the size of our paper.

W:Well...OK,I thought I’d try.Thanks.

M:Wait.Before you go,here’s something else you could try.If you really want to write reviews,you should send something to The Clarion.

W:The city newspaper?

M:Yeah,that’s right.They sometimes print reviews by students.And if they print a few of your stories,they might end up offering you a regular column.It happened before to students from this college.

W:Really?The Clarion.Well,that’s good to know.What would I do,just send something,like,to the editor?

M:Send it to the features editor.That’s the person who edits the Living section,where they print the reviews.

W:Thanks!I really appreciate the information.

M:Do book reviews interest you?Because I think they were looking for a person to review books by local authors.They might have found somebody already for that,but anyway,you could ask about it.

W:Actually,I would be very interested in writing book reviews.As an English major,I’ve got a lot of experience with that!

M:I can imagine.

W:Thank you so much.You’ve been very helpful.

M:No problem.I wish you luck.

二、Writing Art Reviews托福听力中文翻译:


M:是的。我是Dan MacGregor,总编辑。












M:等等。在你走之前,这里还有一些你可以尝试的东西。如果你真的想写评论,你应该给The Clarion发点东西。











三、Writing Art Reviews托福听力问题:

Q1:1.Why does the woman go to the campus newspaper office?

A.She wants to thank the editor for helping her get a job.

B.She would like the editor’s opinion of a story she wrote.

C.She is inquiring about writing arts reviews for the paper.

D.She is asking the editor to endorse a sample of her writing.

Q2:2.Why does the man say this:

A.To describe the type of story that the campus paper prints

B.To suggest that she change her academic major to journalism

C.To suggest that she change her academic major to journalism

D.To inform her that the paper does not need another reviewer

Q3:3.What does the man mean when he says this:

A.He probably cannot offer her a job now.

B.The journalism department has strict rules.

C.He usually hires only journalism students.

D.The college may stop having a newspaper.

Q4:4.What does the man say about the citynewspaper?

A.The city paper has a larger budget than the campus paper.

B.His former job was features editor for the city paper.

C.Sometimes the city paper prints stories written by students.

D.The city paper prefers writers who have a journalism degree.

Q5:5.What will the woman probably do?

A.Write concert and film reviews for the campus paper

B.Change her field of study from English to journalism

C.Go to the journalism department to ask for a job

D.Contact the city newspaper about writing book

四、Writing Art Reviews托福听力答案:








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