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A Study for Student Activities托福听力原文翻译及问题答案

2023-04-20 16:28:40        来源:中国教育在线

新托福听力难度大,题型多,而且听力和写作、口语等部分也相关联,可以说,是牵一发而动全身的地位。所以要想取得高分,需要以残酷的、毫无疑问的、不存在任何侥幸的听力实力为基础。那么关于“A Study for Student Activities托福听力原文翻译及问题答案”的内容,下面由小编来给大家分享。

A Study for Student Activities托福听力原文翻译及问题答案

一、A Study for Student Activities托福听力原文:

M:Excuse me,Dr.Phillips.

W:Hello,Patrick.I got your message.You said something about a project you’re working on.

M:Yeah,that’s right.I’m...uh...we’re,I mean,Student Activities is trying to find out what students think about the different events we sponsor.So I’m designing a study for them,and I was wondering if I could get your advice.

W:Sure.So,what can I do for you?

M:Well,like I said,we want to find out what students like and don’t like about our events—like the concerts we have,the masquerade ball,the spring picnic,and so on.I know there’s lots of ways we could get information like this—information from students—but I’m not sure which way is best.I’d like to get as much feedback as possible,from as many people as possible,but—like I said—I’m not sure about the best way to do it.Interviewing students might be a good way,but I think,uh,interviews would take a lot of time.

W:You’re right about that.Face-to-face interviews are very time-consuming.Two other methods you could use are the survey and the poll.A survey can be highly structured and doesn’t require a face-to-face situation,so that’s an advantage.You could do a survey in the form of a printed questionnaire,or you could also do it over the telephone.Telephone surveys take more time.

M:I see what you mean.For our purpose,a printed survey might be best.But you also mentioned a poll.How’s that different from a survey?

W:A survey is usually fairly structured,while a poll is much simpler in design.A poll is simply a headcount.The respondents are presented with a limited number of options.Are you for or against a masquerade ball?Do you prefer events like A,B,or C?

M:I see.So a poll probably wouldn’t give us a lot to go on,but we could probably reach more people that way.

W:That’s right.You know there’s an excellent book that explains the pluses and minuses of each of these methods.It’s called How to Measure Attitudes,and it’s in our library...and probably the bookstore as well because it’s used in some of our graduate courses.It shows you how to word questions to get the information you want,and there are lots of good samples of surveys.

M:I’d better write this down.How to Measure Attitudes.

W:I’d lend you my copy,but one of my assistants is using it.

M:Oh,that’s all right.I’m sure I can get a hold of it.If we do,uh,if we decide to go with a printed survey,could you,uh,would you be willing to look at my draft first?

W:Of course.You could just slip it into my mailbox,or stop by anytime during my office hours.

M:OK.That would be great.I’ll put the draft in your mailbox.Thanks.I really appreciate your time.Now I’d better get going and see if I can find that book.

W:OK,Patrick.Good luck.

二、A Study for Student Activities托福听力中文翻译:

















三、A Study for Student Activities托福听力问题:

Q1:1.Why does the student speak to the professor?

A.He is applying for a job as her research assistant.

B.He would like her advice about a research project.

C.He wants to know her opinion of student activities.

D.He is informing her of the masquerade ball.

Q2:2.What kind of information does the student want to obtain?

A.Student attitudes about various campus events

B.How to plan and organize a concert series

C.Political beliefs of students and professors

D.Which courses students find most interesting

Q3:3.According to the professor,what is one advantage of a survey?

A.It is the least expensive method of research.

B.It does not have to be conducted face-to-face.

C.It provides more information than any other method.

D.It is the most enjoyable method for the researcher.

Q4:4.Why does the professor ask this:

A.To learn about the student’s opinions

B.To suggest possible research topics

C.To give examples of poll questions

D.To describe a survey that she wrote

Q5:5.How does the professor help the student?

Click on two answers.

A.She gives him a copy of a sample survey.

B.She recommends a useful book.

C.She asks her assistant to help him.

D.She agrees to review his survey draft.

四、A Study for Student Activities托福听力答案:








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